Qualification Pack / National Occupational Standards
Qualification Pack
A Qualification Pack (QP) can be defined as the knowledge, skills, and abilities
required to perform a particular job or occupation. It is used to develop and assess
training programs, qualifications, and certifications for individuals in various fields.
National Occupational Standards
National Occupational Standards (NOS) are benchmarks that describe the skills,
knowledge, and understanding required for competent performance in an
occupation. NOS are developed through a process of consultation with industry
experts, employers, and other stakeholders and are used to set the standard for
training, qualifications, and assessment in a particular industry or sector.
National Skill Qualification Framework
The NSQF is designed to promote the recognition and mobility of qualifications, as
well as to provide a transparent and flexible system for the recognition of prior
learning and experience. The framework includes 10 levels that cover a broad range
of knowledge, skills, and competencies, ranging from basic literacy and numeracy
skills to highly specialized and technical skills.